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Guidelines for Researchers to Improve their Academic Vocabulary

Guidelines for Researchers to Improve Their Academic Vocabulary

Vocabulary knowledge helps people discover new ideas, appreciate the beauty of language, and learn about the world. A strong vocabulary strengthens what a person wants to say, especially when they want to write anything. It is evident that an educated person has a broad and varied vocabulary. One way to guarantee that there are consistent practices in all courses and that there is a cumulative effect on participant vocabulary development across topics and over time is to have a school-wide or district-wide commitment to research-based vocabulary training.

What is common academic vocabulary?

Common academic vocabulary represents words and phrases you find in essays, academic papers, textbooks and articles across all fields. Some examples of these words are: analyze, constitute, derive, source, theorize and evidence.

Why is it important in research?

Nonfiction and technical books will quickly teach you new ways to think and speak with words you may be unfamiliar with, but any type of reading will help you along. It facilitates effective communication amongst researchers using the right vocabulary. The ability to understand word meanings is acknowledged as one of the key components to becoming proficient in reading, writing, listening, speaking and comprehension.

Some interesting strategies for learning academic vocabulary

Reading is Everything

The majority of people read every day for at least a portion of their time. While reading, you will find out a ton of unknown words. Your vocabulary abilities will increase through learning vocabulary that is particular to your field from sources including subject guides, reading lists, and textbooks as well as from endorsed websites and journals.

Word identification

Many words have the same or very similar meanings. To make fresh and original remarks in your writing and speaking, you can make a list of word groups. It’s helpful to check the definitions of related words before using them because some words have similar meanings but aren’t necessarily interchangeable. You can sound more polished and professional by changing the words you use in your writing.

Word Selection

Word choice is important. Consider terms that are crucial to comprehending the primary idea of the text or unit, are used often, or are regularly encountered across domains when choosing which words to target for explicit instruction.

Learn Roots

The development of strong vocabulary benefits from knowledge of word origins. A prefix or suffix on a lot of words with a common origin can help you determine what they might mean. The more roots you study, the more words that use that root you will be able to comprehend.

Create a word Journal

A word journal is one place (a notebook, a computer document, etc.) where you write down  words you don’t know.

keeping a word journal involves the following steps:

  • To create a definition that you can fully understand.
  • Exactly where you found the word in the sentence, copy it.
  • Provide a unique explanation of that word in your writing.

Vocabulary Map

When creating a vocabulary map, you draw a circle around a word in the center of your computer document and connect it to other words or concepts. Include synonyms, antonyms, or examples of the word among the words or ideas on your map.


When writing the first draft of your academic work, use academic language in your essays and papers. Check to verify if the academic language is used correctly as you update your paper. Your academic writing will improve by including general and subject-specific academic terminology in essays and research papers. It demonstrates to readers that you are well-versed in the subject of your writing. Additionally, using these terms allows you to express yourself clearly and precisely. The appropriate vocabulary mix raises the quality of your articles and papers.

Hence, Increasing your vocabulary enables you to utilize the appropriate word, which shows that you comprehend and are familiar with the accepted terms of a given discipline.





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