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Open access publishing

open access

Open access publishing – researcher’s perspective

Open access: outline 

  • What is open access?  
  • Why is open access gaining traction?
  • Why is all open access not predatory? 
  • Ethical versus predatory open access 
  • Why do we need to pay for open access?  
  • How to support open access publication financially?  
  • Researchers and research institution and open access 
  • Types of open access 
  • Plan S

What is open access? 

Open access 

  • Freely available,without financial, legal, or technical barriers to the readers.
  • Permanently stored in a repository

Logic of open access 

  • Knowledge,information, and data are products of research. 
  • Research is funded by the state using public funds or by other not-for-profit funding agencies. Therefore, products of research should also be freely available.

Why is open access gaining traction?

  • Rising costs of journal subscriptions 
  • Journal bundling by publishers 
  • Increasing penetration of the internet 
  • Supplanting of print publishing by electronic publishing  
  • Ever increasing number of researchers
  • Greater push from library consortia, funders, and governments

Why is all open access not predatory? 

  • Crucial difference 

Open access: matter of payment comes up only after final acceptance by the journal 

Predatory: payment is a foregone conclusion, made up front 

  • Other indications of predatory journals

Invitation to publish, publication within a few days, ISSN displayed prominently on website, dubious physical address, dubious impact factor

Ethical versus predatory open access 

Legitimate open-access journals  

  • Mostly transitioned from subscription-based journals  
  • More citations 
  • Mainstream: commercial or society publishers 
  • Both print and electronic 

Predatory open-access journals 

  • Set up to exploit pressure to publish 
  • Typically multidisciplinary 
  • Up-front article-processing charges 
  • Electronic only

Predatory, open-access, and subscription-based journals compared 

TestPredatory Open accessSubscription based 
Spelling errors on home page66%6%3%
Distorted or unauthorized images on home page63%5%1%
Dubious impact factors33%3%0%
Unverified affiliation of editors or board members73%2%1%
Article processing charges($)63-150800-22052500-3000

Why do we need to pay for open access? 

Services rendered by publishers cost money  

  • Developing and maintaining content management systems 
  • Tracking submissions, routine correspondence 
  • Copy-editing, typesetting,design, page make-up 
  • Publishing(including printing if required)and mailing 
  • Promoting and publicizing

How to support open-access publication financially?

Ways of subsidizing or paying for the costs of publishing 

  • Subscribing(including bulk subscriptions)  
  • Paying article processing charges 
  • Paying for color printing(because it is much more expensive)  
  • Helping out in publicity and promotion 
  • Funding special issues

Researchers and research institutions and open access  

  • If funds are available, making your paper open access is possible. 
  • If funds are scarce, uploading papers in a repository is an option. 
  • The most prestigious journals are still subscription based.

Types of open access 

  • Gold 
    • Applicable at the level of the whole journal
    • Free to read and use immediately upon publication
    • Final published version,or version of record
    • Article-processing charges paid by the author(s) or their employers or funders
  • Hybrid 
    • Applicable at the article level 
    • Final published version,or version of record 
    • Article-processing charges paid by the author(s)or their employers or funders 
    • Author’s Choice available: not tied to a journal but to a publisher
    • Copyright with author(s)
  • Platinum or Diamond 
    • No cost to authors 
    • Article-processing charges paid by authors employers or funders including government agencies 
    • Final published version, or version of record 
    • Copyright with author(s)
  • Transformative
    • Transformative open access journals  
    • Transition stage from subscription-based to fully open access 
    • Committed to annual increase in the proportion of open-access articles 
    • Fourteen publishers-large and small, for-profit, not-for-profit, society publishers, and university presses-and some 2270 journals, have enrolled in this programme

Plan S 

  • Publications from research funded by public grants must be published in compliant Open Access journals or platforms. 
  • 17 national funders including national agencies in Britain,France and Sweden,World Health Organization, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation,and Wellcome Trust have joined the Plan, as has Nature.
  • Plan S for ‘science, speed, solution, shock’, says Robert-Jan Smits, the chief architect of the plan.


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