Identifying Journals

Fast Publishing SCI Journals

The fast publishing SCI journals are citation indexed and initially developed by the Institute for Scientific Knowledge (ISI). The broader version (Science Citation Index Expanded) encompasses more than 8,500 prominent and important journals from 1900 to the present, covering 150 disciplines. Additionally, these are defined as the leading science and technology journals in the world, due to a robust selection process. Most of the journals under SCI has valid impact factor scope. Also, the journals listed in the fast publishing SCI journals can be found in Scopus indexed journals.

Guidelines to be followed before applying for SCI journals

  • Ensure your manuscripts meet the journal’s aim & scope
  • Properly follow the submission guidelines of the journal, otherwise, it will lead to rejection of manuscripts.
  • Look for previously published articles in your target journal to analyze the quality and format of the journal.
  • Try to use the same journals as base paper. For example, if you want to publish a paper in the Elsevier journal, try to use the same as base paper.
  • Reviewers will prefer high quality in writing manuscripts. After submitting an article to a peer-review process by author, it is assessed by an editor to check scope, format, language & plagiarism. Further, it followed by the reviewer to check topic relevancy & contributions. When reviews are assessed and accepted by the editor, the production & publication process will proceed. Reputed publishers like Wiley follow these steps during the review process.
  • Be prepared with relevant data while verification of results during the review process.
  • A good cover letter should be submitted along with the manuscript. A good cover letter should contain essential details like journal name, publisher name, etc.
  • Avoid plagiarism because it may present other’s work as your own.
  • Ensure that you have presented relevant images, graphs & tables for the manuscript.
  • Be clear in your research work & methodology part.
  • Proper numbering, file formats, and resolution of the image should be taken care of.
  • Don’t manipulate data to support your conclusion.
  • Avoid multiple submissions to other journals when it is under process at another journal.

The following are SCI journals which respond soon around 2 to 3 months. Additionally, we also list the area of coverage and publisher name for each fast publishing SCI journals.

International Journal of Environmental Science and Technology It focuses on environmental science, technology, innovation, engineering, and management. It publishes original research, case studies, reviews, and short communications on topics such as pollution control, waste management, environmental chemistry and biology, pollutant transport, risk assessment, and energy efficiency. It covers both natural and human-made environmental challenges. Springer 16 issues Free
Accident Analysis & Prevention This journal covers a wide range of topics related to accidental injury and damage, including both pre-injury and post-injury phases. It publishes research on medical, legal, economic, educational, behavioral, and theoretical aspects of transportation and other types of accidents. ScienceDirect 15 issues Free
Computer Physics Communications This journal focuses on research and software in computational physics. It emphasizes innovative computational methods, algorithms, and software addressing significant physics problems. It also covers numerical methods, computational models, advanced computing architectures and specialized systems on physics research. ScienceDirect monthly Free
Science of Computer Programming It aims at sharing research and software related to all aspects of software development, from design and implementation to maintenance and management. It covers topics across the entire software lifecycle, emphasizing both theoretical and practical advancements in software systems. ScienceDirect 8 issues Free
Ocean & Coastal Management Interactions between ocean and coastal uses and actors in government, the private sector, civil society, local communities, science, and Indigenous Peoples. Bridging the science-policy-practice interfaces in the ocean and coastal context. The roles of traditional knowledge, local knowledge, and science in ocean and coastal management. Ocean Literacy and Education Institutional change and ocean and coastal management etc., ScienceDirect 16 issues Free
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology Biochemistry,Physiology,Behavior,Genetics,Ecology. Short communications that highlight emerging issues and exciting discoveries within five printed pages will receive a rapid turnaround. Papers describing important new analytical, computational, experimental and theoretical techniques and methods are encouraged and will be highlighted as Methodological Advances. ScienceDirect 12 issues Free
Computers in Biology and Medicine Computers in Biology and Medicine focuses on the use of computing in bioscience and medicine, covering areas such as biomedical system analysis, simulations, specialized medical data processing, real-time clinical data handling, and purpose-built computers. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 16 issues Free
Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Design publishes research on computational methods for design, covering topics like AI, machine learning, mathematical modeling, generative design, and manufacturing, with a focus on geometric and system-level design processes. Elsevier 12 issues Free
Future Generation Computer Systems The journal focuses on advancements in distributed systems, collaborative environments, high-performance computing, and Big Data management across grids, clouds, and IoT. Its aim is to enhance the integration of databases, sensors, and human collaboration. Elsevier 12 issues Free
Journal of Engineering Design Design automation and computational support, Design theory and methodology, New and emerging engineering design trends, Design for product lifecycle and sustainability, including DFX (manufacturability, assembly, production, quality, maintenance, remanufacture, recycling, reuse, end-of-life); design for additive manufacturing; design for prognostic health management; sustainable/green/ecofriendly design; design considering carbon emission. Taylor & Francis 12 issues Free
International Journal of Engineering Science The International Journal of Engineering Science is not limited to a specific aspect of science and engineering but is instead devoted to a wide range of subfields in the engineering sciences. While it encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in the engineering sciences, its core interest lies in issues concerning material modeling and response. Elsevier 12 issues Free
NATURE BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Nature Biomedical Engineering covers materials, therapies, devices, technology, systems, methods and processes that facilitate the understanding of human disease, or its prevention. The journal disseminates biological, medical and engineering advances — of fundamental, mechanistic, methodological, technological, therapeutic, translational or clinical nature — that can directly lead to or inspire improvements in human health or healthcare. NATURE PORTFOLIO 12 issues Free
Information Processing & Management Information Processing and Management publishes cutting-edge original research at the intersection of computing and information science concerning theory, methods, or applications in a range of domains, including but not limited to advertising, business, health, information science, information technology marketing, and social computing Elsevier 6 issues Free
Engineering with Computers The journal welcomes novel cutting-edge research and algorithm-based software development with broad impact, encouraging submissions that make codes available. Manuscripts focusing on application of established methods, algorithms and workflows, especially manuscripts reporting results of running commercial software packages, are not encouraged. Springer 6 issues Free
Journal of Systems Architecture journal covering all design and architectural aspects related to embedded systems and software. It ranges from the microarchitecture level via the system software level up to the application-specific architecture level. Aspects such as real-time systems, operating systems, programming languages, communications (limited to analysis and the software stack), mobile systems, parallel and distributed architectures as well as additional subjects in the computer and system architecture area will fall within the scope of this journal. Elsevier 12 issues Free
Journal of Computational Electronics It covers research on modeling and simulation across a broad range of modern electronic systems, including optical, electronic, mechanical, and quantum mechanical aspects. Key areas include device simulation, optoelectronic systems, photonics, energy storage and harvesting, circuit and VLSI layout simulation, electromagnetic simulations, and molecular and biological systems. Springer 6 issues Free
Computer Physics Communications It publishes two types of papers: Computer Programs in Physics (CPiP) and Computational Physics Papers (CP). As well as papers on the impact of advanced computer architecture and relevant software in physical sciences. Elsevier Monthly Free
Data & Knowledge Engineering This journal focuses on the principles, effective use of database systems and knowledge-based systems, covering a range of topics including conceptual data models, knowledge representation techniques, and data manipulation languages. It addresses new architectures for databases and expert systems, methodologies for designing and constructing data and knowledge bases, and issues related to data integrity, security, and maintenance. Elsevier 6 issues Free
MACHINE LEARNING The Machine Learning journal covers classification, regression, recognition, prediction, problem-solving, data mining, and natural language processing, as well as supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, evolution-based methods, automated knowledge acquisition, and multi-agent learning. Springer Monthly Free
Science of Computer Programming Science of Computer Programming journal publishes articles on cyber-physical systems, software development methodologies and tools, programming languages and environments, human factors in software development, system administration, and network management etc., Elsevier 6 issues Free
THE VISUAL COMPUTER The journal focuses on human-centered aspects of digital technologies, exploring human behavior, interaction, and communication in various digital environments, including mobile applications, social media, online communities, human-computer interaction (HCI), digital inclusion, and accessibility. Springer Monthly Free
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Biochemists, biologists, geneticists, immunologists, neuroscientists, pharmacologists, toxicologists; clinicians, epidemiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, cardiologists, chemists, (radio)physicists, computer scientists, programmers and systems analysts etc., Sciencedirect 11 issues Free
Quantum Information Processing Quantum cryptography and communications, entanglement and discord, quantum algorithms, quantum error correction and fault tolerance, quantum computer science, quantum imaging and sensing, and experimental platforms for quantum information. Springer 7 issues Free
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine AI’s theory and practice in medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and healthcare. Elsevier 7 issues Free
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction The journal emphasizes the human element in relation to the systems and contexts in which humans perform, operate, network, and communicate, including mobile apps, social media, online communities, and digital accessibility. Taylor & Francis 20 issues Free
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence The journal covers quantitative, combinatorial, logical, algebraic and algorithmic methods to Artificial Intelligence areas as diverse as decision support, automated deduction, reasoning, knowledge-based systems, machine learning, computer vision, robotics and planning etc., Springer 6 issues Free
International Journal of Industrial Engineering-Theory Applications and Practices The journal covers all aspects of industrial engineering, particularly: Data mining and Computational Intelligence, Production Planning and Control, Operation Research, Service Engineering, Sustainability (Energy, Environment, etc.), Information Systems and Technology etc., Univ Cincinnati industrial engineering 6 issues $300 to $800
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications P2P ad hoc and sensor networks,P2P application and services, P2P content access and distribution, P2P economics, P2P enabled technologies, P2P file sharing, P2P media streaming, P2P multicasting and multimedia delivery P2P overlay networks,P2P security issues etc., Springer 6 issues free
International Journal of Information Security (IJIS) The scope of the IJIS is theory, applications, and implementations of information security. This includes, but is not limited to system security, network security, content protection, applications, and foundations Springer 6 issues free
Computer Networks The topics covered by the journal but not limited to these are Communication Network Architectures, Communication Network Protocols, Network Services and Applications, Network Security and Privacy, Network Operation and Management, and Discrete Algorithms and Discrete Modeling Elsevier 18 issues free
Ad Hoc Networks Mobile and Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Sensor Networks Wireless Local and Personal Area Networks Home Networks Ad Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent Systems Novel Architectures for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Self-organizing Network Architectures and Protocols Transport Layer Protocols Routing protocols (unicast, multicast, geocast, etc.) Elsevier Monthly free
Journal of Quality Technology JQT encourages authors to demonstrate the usefulness of their research by applying their methods to real data and encourages sharing of code to support reproducibility Taylor and Francis 5 issues per year free
Journal of Network and Computer Applications New Design Techniques, Interesting or Novel Applications,Components or Standards, Computer Networks With Tools Such As Www, Emerging Standards for Internet Protocols, Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing, Emerging Computing Models Such as Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, Emerging Network Protocols Such as Sensor Networks, Delay Tolerant Networks, Internet of Things, Applications Of Networked Systems for Remote Collaboration and Telemedicine, Applications Of an Educational, Transactional and Cooperational Nature, Applications of Security in Computer and Networks science direct Monthly free
International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation New bio-inspired methodologies coming from, Creatures living in nature, Artificial society, Physical/chemical phenomena, New bio-inspired methodology analysis tools, e.g. Rough sets, stochastic processes, Brain-inspired methods: models and algorithms, Bio-inspired computation with big data: algorithms and structures, Applications associated with bio-inspired methodologies, e.g. Bioinformatics . InderScience 8 issues per year free
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences Big Data, Bioinformatics , Biometrics, Cloud Computing,Computer Graphics,Computer Vision,Crowd Computing,Data Mining,Data Warehouse,Embedded Systems,Fuzzy Systems,Grid Computing,High Performance Computing,Image Processing,Information Security,Internet of Things ,Machine Learning,Mobile Computing, Natural Language Processing,Net Centric Computing,Network Protocols,Network Security,Pattern Recognition,Pervasive Computing,Robotics,Social Networks,Software Engineering,Speech Processing,Wireless and Mobile Networks,Wireless Sensor Networks. science direct 10 issues per year $1450
Computer Communications Emerging technologies for next generation network,LAN/WAN/MAN,Future Internet architecture, protocols and services,Mobile and ubiquitous networks,Green networking,QoS and multimedia networking, Internet of things,Public safety communication networks,Network applicationsTrust, security and privacy in computer and communication networks,Complex network models. science direct Monthly free
Soft Computing Evolutionary algorithms, genetic programming, swarm intelligence, neural science, neural net systems, fuzzy set theory, fuzzy systems, Bayesian networks, chaos theory, chaotic systems. springer Monthly twice free
Computers, Materials and Continua computer networks, artificial intelligence, big data, software engineering, multimedia, cyber security, internet of things, materials genome, integrated materials science, and data analysis, modeling, designing and manufacturing of modern functional and multifunctional materials. Techscience Monthly $1,350
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communication circuit theory and applications, analog and digital integrated circuit design,electronic components and devices, RF circuits etc., Elsevier Monthly Free
Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases Prevalence, Causes, Mechanisms, Diagnosis, Management, Treatment, and Prevention of Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis, and Interstitial Lung Disease MATTIOLI 1885 Quarterly Free
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease Acteriology, Immunology, Immunoserology, Infectious Diseases, Mycology, Parasitology, and Virology ScienceDirect Monthly Free
Journal of Information Science and Engineering Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Computer Architecture & Hardware Design, Computer Networks & Wireless Communication, Computer Security & Cryptography, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Computer Systems, Data Mining & Analysis, etc… Institute of Information Science and Engineering 6 issues per year Free
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering Advanced Computing Infrastructure; Artificial Intelligence; Big Data and Analytics; Collaborative Design; Computer Aided Design; Computer Aided Engineering; Computer Aided Manufacturing; Computational Foundations for Engineering Optimization; Computational Synthesis; Conceptual Design; Cyber-manufacturing; Cyber-Physical Security for Factories; Cyber-Physical System Design and Operation; etc… ASME Bi-monthly Free
Neural Computing and Applications Adaptive computing, Algorithms, Applicable neural networks theory, Applied statistics, Architectures, Artificial intelligence, Benchmarks, Case histories of innovative applications, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms, Hybrid intelligent systems, Machine learning, Neural networks, Neuro-fuzzy systems, etc… Springer 12 issues per year Free
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence Cognitive Science, Games, Learning, Knowledge Representation, Memory And Neural System Modeling, Perception, Problem-Solving Taylor & Francis Online 6 issues per year Free
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing Hardware and Architecture, Algorithm and Protocol Designs, Quality of Service, Security, Privacy and Trust InderScience 12 issues per year Free
International Journal of Sensor Networks Location Techniques, Connectivity,Data Storage, Performance Analysis, Sensor tasking, Security and Data Integrity InderScience 12 issues per year Free
Computer Vision and Image Understanding Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Data structures and representations, Vision systems Elsevier 11 issues per year Free
Expert Systems with Applications Management Science and Operations Research, Management Information Systems, Management of Technology and Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Applications, Control and Systems Engineering Elsevier Quarterly Free
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems Areas of Fuzzy Logic, Intelligent Systems, and Web-based Applications, Mathematics, Operations Research, Technology Management, Hard and Soft Sciences, and Technical, Social and Environmental Issues. IOS Press 5 issues per year €300 / US$300
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Design, Analysis, and Control of Information Technologies Applied to Transportation Systems. The ITS includes Humans, Vehicles, Shipments, Information Technology, and Physical Infrastructure, All Interacting in Complex Ways. IEEE 12 issues per year Free
The KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems Artificial Intelligence & Big Data, Internet Computing , Internet Services & Management (IM), Information Systems, IoT & Application (IA), Mobile Communication, Multimedia & ComputerVision, Networking, Security & Privacy, Wireless Communication The Korean Society for Internet Information 12 issues per year 700 USD
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing Theoretical developments in biomedical science and technology, spectrum of biomedical and clinical engineering, cellular engineering, molecular imaging, and evolving technologies, advances in computer-based methodologies in these multidisciplinary subjects springer 12 issues per year Free
The Journal of Universal Computer Science Research areas of computer science, based on the ACM Computing Classification System categories including general literature, hardware, software, computer systems organization, theory of computation, information systems etc… Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz 12 issues per year Free
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Computer assisted surgery and simulation, Modelling, design and assessment of medical devices and implants, Application of imaging in biomechanics etc… Taylor & Francis 16 issues per year Free
International Journal of Communication Systems Transmission/Switching/Distribution technologies, Network and Internet protocols and standards Wiley 18 issues per year Free
Brain Imaging and Behavior Neuroimaging approaches to enhance knowledge regarding mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders of higher brain function including cognition, affect, and motivation. Springer 6 issues per year Free

IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems


Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis



4 issues Free

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems

Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing




Monthly Free

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering


Agriculture, Healthcare, Home Automation, Manufacturing, Security, Supply Chains.



Quarterly Free

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence


Medical image analysis, Video and image sequence analysis, Content-based retrieval of image and video.



Monthly Free

Journal of Computer and System Sciences


Computer networks, Neural networks, Computational learning theory, Security and Privacy, etc…



Monthly Free

Computing in Science & Engineering

 Advanced computing, simulation, and analytics, among other cutting-edge techniques, etc… IEEE Bi-monthly Free

Frontiers of Computer Science

Artificial intelligence, networks and communication, multimedia and graphics, information security, interdisciplinary, etc.  Springer Bi-monthly Free

Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering

Medical and biological engineering, biomedical signals, medical imaging, bio-informatics, tissue engineering, and so on.



Bi-monthly Free

International Journal of Information Technology and Decision making

Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, Bio-informatics and Medical Decision Making, Human Computer Interaction, and so on.

World Scientific


Bi-monthly 2,500 USD

Wireless Personal Communications

Investigates theoretical, engineering, and experimental aspects of radio communications, voice, data, images, and multimedia, etc…



Monthly twice Free

The International Arab Journal of Information Technology

Image processing, Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems, Machine Learning,  Pattern Recognition, Cloud Computing, etc…

Zarqa University


Bimonthly up to 6 pages free after that per page 50USD

Pattern Recognition Letters

 Neural Networks, Machine Learning,  Image Coding and Processing,  Pattern Recognition, etc…



Bimonthly Free

Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience

Parallel and Distributed Computing,  Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing, Green Computing, and Quantum Computing, etc…

Wiley Online Library


Monthly Free

Intelligent data analysis

Data Science, Computer Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics, Computer Sciences, Artificial Intelligence .

IOS Press


Bimonthly 350 USD

Cluster computing

 Internet Computing, Cloud and Grid Computing, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms,  Cloud Computing and/or Distributed Data Centers, etc…



4 issues per year Free

International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology

 Application of expert systems and AI to clinical decision making, Computer modelling of physiologic systems,  Medical imaging systems, Sports medicine, etc…



12 issues per year Free

IETE Journal of Research

Communications, Computers and Computing, Control Engineering, Electromagnetics, Electronic Circuits,  Medical Electronics, Opto-Electronics, Power Electronics.

Taylor & Francis


Bimonthly Free

ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing System

Logic Primitive Design and Synthesis,
System-Level Specification, Design and Synthesis,
Software-Level Specification, Design and Synthesis,
Mixed-Technology Systems,
Interactions of Emerging Technologies and Applications.

Association for Computing Machinery


Tri-annual 1300 USD

Applied Ontology

Semantic Web,
Computer Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics,
Computer Sciences,
Artificial Intelligence.

IOS Press


Quarterly 170USD

Behaviour & Information Technology

Psychology, ergonomics, computer science, and sociology, etc…

Taylor & Francis


16 issues per year Free

Adaptive Behavior

Morphological computation, deep neural networks, soft robotics, and other advances in the methods and practical applications of bio-inspired robotics and self-optimization..



6 issues Free


Cloud computing, multimedia technology, communication networks and services, wireless communications and mobile computing, etc…

Wiley Online


4 Months Free

Computer Systems Science & Engineering

Theoretical and practical hardware and software problems, together with the substantial amount of work being carried out within industry on the engineering, implementation and development of such systems. 

Tech Science Monthly 1300 USD


Computer Architecture and Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Computer Networks and Distributed Computing, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Software Systems, Data Management and Data Mining, Theory and Algorithms, AND Emerging Areas


Technologies such as databases, knowledge bases, multimedia, group-ware, telecommunications, etc.



Theoretical computer science, ranging from foundational areas such as computational complexity, to fundamental areas such as algorithms and data structures, to focused areas such as parallel and distributed algorithms and architectures. 



Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Physics, and in the Engineering disciplines of Chemical, Civil, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, Petroleum , and Systems Engineering. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG Quarterly Free


Areas of computer science, software engineering, and information systems.



Area of power and energy,  control systems, biometrics, object recognition,  information and communications, technology, sensors, and artificial intelligence, etc… TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY Tri-Annual Free


Areas of AI,  machine learning, natural language, planning and scheduling, robotics and vision, and uncertainty in AI. AI ACCESS FOUNDATION Irregular Free


AI systems. TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC Bimonthly Free


New principled algorithms,  psychological, or biological nature, etc… JMLR, Inc. and Microtome Publishing (United States) Bimonthly Free


Internet–of–things and cyber-physical systems, Neural networks, fuzzy systems, neuro-fuzzy systems, Deep learning ,  etc…


Bimonthly 250 USD, 18,204.24 INR


AI in Bioinformatics, AI for Service Engineering, AI for Software Engineering, AI for Ubiquitous Computing, etc…





Robotics, field robotics, medical robotics, rescue robotics, space robotics, underwater robotics, agriculture robotics, industrial robotics, and robots in emerging fields. 


  Bi- monthly Free


Computer Science Applications, Control and Systems Engineering,  Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


Bi- monthly      




Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning,  Deep Learning,  Document Analysis, Image Processing, Signal Processing, Computer Vision, Biometrics, Biomedical Image Analysis, Artificial Intelligence


Bi- monthly Free
 COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE Discovery science and knowledge mining , Web intelligence and semantic web, Agents and multiagent systems, Machine learning in knowledge-based systems, Key application areas of AI. WILEY Quarterly 3350(USD)
THE COMPUTER JOURNAL Latest developments in topics such as architectures, mobile and wireless computing, network protocols, security, reliability and performance optimization. OXFORD UNIV PRESS Bi-monthly   Free
COMPUTERS & SECURITY Computer security, audit, control and data integrity in all sectors – industry, commerce and academia. ELSEVIER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Bi-monthly 3010 (USD) 
DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases includes statistics, databases, pattern recognition and learning, data visualization, uncertainty modelling, data warehousing and OLAP, optimization, and high performance computing. SPRINGER Bi-monthly Free  
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS Human systems and human organizational interactions including cognitive ergonomics, system test and evaluation, and human information processing concerns in systems and organizations. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC Quarterly   Free
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS Theory, design, and applications of neural networks and related learning systems. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC Monthly 110$, 8,068.64 INR
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING  Service Oriented Architecture, Web Services, Business Process Integration, Solution Performance Management, Services Operations and Management, etc… IEEE COMPUTER SOC Quarterly Free 
ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS  Comprehensive, readable tutorials and survey papers Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Bimonthly  1700(USD) 
ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Computer Networks, Data Transmissions, and Electronics Stefan cel Mare Semiannual 300 EUR 
JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications,  Healthcare Systems, Virtual Humans & Virtual Worlds, Wearables sensors and actuators, etc… Springer Verlag Monthly



AUTOMATIKA Control Systems, Signal Processing, Computer Vision and Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, etc… Korema 82 days USD$825, 62,195 INR
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND HEALTH INFORMATICS  Bio-signal Processing, Cellular and Molecular Engineering, Data mining techniques  Rehabilitation and Clinical Engineering, Health Informatics, etc… American Scientific Publishers Monthly  1,010 US$
MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS Multimedia Tools , Multimedia Applications, Visual Information Systems, Multimedia application enabling software, System software support for multimedia, etc… Springer  Monthly Free  
JOURNAL OF MODERN POWER SYSTEMS AND CLEAN ENERGY Renewable power generation and clean energy technologies, Distributed energy resources and storage, Modern power system operation and planning, etc… IEEE Bi-monthly   Free  
JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS  Low Power Converter, High Power Converters, Motor Drives,
Grid and Power Quality, Energy Management Systems, Device, Modeling, and Control, Consumer Power Electronics, Emerging Power Electronics.
Korean Institute of Power Electronics Bi-monthly   1000 (USD)  


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The fast publishing SCI journals are citation indexed and initially developed by the Institute for Scientific Knowledge (ISI). The broader version (Science Citation Index Expanded) encompasses more than 8,500 prominent and important journals from 1900 to the present, covering 150 disciplines. Additionally, these are defined as the leading science and technology journals in the world, due to a robust selection process. Most of the journals under SCI has valid impact factor scope. Also, the journals listed in the fast publishing SCI journals can be found in Scopus indexed journals.

Guidelines to be followed before applying for SCI journals

  • Ensure your manuscripts meet the journal’s aim & scope
  • Properly follow the submission guidelines of the journal, otherwise, it will lead to rejection of manuscripts.
  • Look for previously published articles in your target journal to analyze the quality and format of the journal.
  • Try to use the same journals as base paper. For example, if you want to publish a paper in the Elsevier journal, try to use the same as base paper.
  • Reviewers will prefer high quality in writing manuscripts. After submitting an article to a peer-review process by author, it is assessed by an editor to check scope, format, language & plagiarism. Further, it followed by the reviewer to check topic relevancy & contributions. When reviews are assessed and accepted by the editor, the production & publication process will proceed. Reputed publishers like Wiley follow these steps during the review process.
  • Be prepared with relevant data while verification of results during the review process.
  • A good cover letter should be submitted along with the manuscript. A good cover letter should contain essential details like journal name, publisher name, etc.
  • Avoid plagiarism because it may present other’s work as your own.
  • Ensure that you have presented relevant images, graphs & tables for the manuscript.
  • Be clear in your research work & methodology part.
  • Proper numbering, file formats, and resolution of the image should be taken care of.
  • Don’t manipulate data to support your conclusion.
  • Avoid multiple submissions to other journals when it is under process at another journal.

The following are SCI journals which respond soon around 2 to 3 months. Additionally, we also list the area of coverage and publisher name for each fast publishing SCI journals.

Computer Physics Communications This journal focuses on research and software in computational physics. It emphasizes innovative computational methods, algorithms, and software addressing significant physics problems. It also covers numerical methods, computational models, advanced computing architectures and specialized systems on physics research. ScienceDirect monthly Free
Science of Computer Programming It aims at sharing research and software related to all aspects of software development, from design and implementation to maintenance and management. It covers topics across the entire software lifecycle, emphasizing both theoretical and practical advancements in software systems. ScienceDirect 8 issues Free
Ocean & Coastal Management Interactions between ocean and coastal uses and actors in government, the private sector, civil society, local communities, science, and Indigenous Peoples. Bridging the science-policy-practice interfaces in the ocean and coastal context. The roles of traditional knowledge, local knowledge, and science in ocean and coastal management. Ocean Literacy and Education Institutional change and ocean and coastal management etc., ScienceDirect 16 issues Free
Journal of Experimental Marine Biology and Ecology Biochemistry,Physiology,Behavior,Genetics,Ecology. Short communications that highlight emerging issues and exciting discoveries within five printed pages will receive a rapid turnaround. Papers describing important new analytical, computational, experimental and theoretical techniques and methods are encouraged and will be highlighted as Methodological Advances. ScienceDirect 12 issues Free
Computers in Biology and Medicine Computers in Biology and Medicine focuses on the use of computing in bioscience and medicine, covering areas such as biomedical system analysis, simulations, specialized medical data processing, real-time clinical data handling, and purpose-built computers. PERGAMON-ELSEVIER SCIENCE LTD 16 issues Free
Computer-Aided Design Computer-Aided Design publishes research on computational methods for design, covering topics like AI, machine learning, mathematical modeling, generative design, and manufacturing, with a focus on geometric and system-level design processes. Elsevier 12 issues Free
Future Generation Computer Systems The journal focuses on advancements in distributed systems, collaborative environments, high-performance computing, and Big Data management across grids, clouds, and IoT. Its aim is to enhance the integration of databases, sensors, and human collaboration. Elsevier 12 issues Free
Journal of Engineering Design Design automation and computational support, Design theory and methodology, New and emerging engineering design trends, Design for product lifecycle and sustainability, including DFX (manufacturability, assembly, production, quality, maintenance, remanufacture, recycling, reuse, end-of-life); design for additive manufacturing; design for prognostic health management; sustainable/green/ecofriendly design; design considering carbon emission. Taylor & Francis 12 issues Free
International Journal of Engineering Science The International Journal of Engineering Science is not limited to a specific aspect of science and engineering but is instead devoted to a wide range of subfields in the engineering sciences. While it encourages a broad spectrum of contribution in the engineering sciences, its core interest lies in issues concerning material modeling and response. Elsevier 12 issues Free
NATURE BIOMEDICAL ENGINEERING Nature Biomedical Engineering covers materials, therapies, devices, technology, systems, methods and processes that facilitate the understanding of human disease, or its prevention. The journal disseminates biological, medical and engineering advances — of fundamental, mechanistic, methodological, technological, therapeutic, translational or clinical nature — that can directly lead to or inspire improvements in human health or healthcare. NATURE PORTFOLIO 12 issues Free
Information Processing & Management Information Processing and Management publishes cutting-edge original research at the intersection of computing and information science concerning theory, methods, or applications in a range of domains, including but not limited to advertising, business, health, information science, information technology marketing, and social computing Elsevier 6 issues Free
Engineering with Computers The journal welcomes novel cutting-edge research and algorithm-based software development with broad impact, encouraging submissions that make codes available. Manuscripts focusing on application of established methods, algorithms and workflows, especially manuscripts reporting results of running commercial software packages, are not encouraged. Springer 6 issues Free
Journal of Systems Architecture journal covering all design and architectural aspects related to embedded systems and software. It ranges from the microarchitecture level via the system software level up to the application-specific architecture level. Aspects such as real-time systems, operating systems, programming languages, communications (limited to analysis and the software stack), mobile systems, parallel and distributed architectures as well as additional subjects in the computer and system architecture area will fall within the scope of this journal. Elsevier 12 issues Free
Journal of Computational Electronics It covers research on modeling and simulation across a broad range of modern electronic systems, including optical, electronic, mechanical, and quantum mechanical aspects. Key areas include device simulation, optoelectronic systems, photonics, energy storage and harvesting, circuit and VLSI layout simulation, electromagnetic simulations, and molecular and biological systems. Springer 6 issues Free
Computer Physics Communications It publishes two types of papers: Computer Programs in Physics (CPiP) and Computational Physics Papers (CP). As well as papers on the impact of advanced computer architecture and relevant software in physical sciences. Elsevier Monthly Free
Data & Knowledge Engineering This journal focuses on the principles, effective use of database systems and knowledge-based systems, covering a range of topics including conceptual data models, knowledge representation techniques, and data manipulation languages. It addresses new architectures for databases and expert systems, methodologies for designing and constructing data and knowledge bases, and issues related to data integrity, security, and maintenance. Elsevier 6 issues Free
MACHINE LEARNING The Machine Learning journal covers classification, regression, recognition, prediction, problem-solving, data mining, and natural language processing, as well as supervised and unsupervised learning, reinforcement learning, evolution-based methods, automated knowledge acquisition, and multi-agent learning. Springer Monthly Free
Science of Computer Programming Science of Computer Programming journal publishes articles on cyber-physical systems, software development methodologies and tools, programming languages and environments, human factors in software development, system administration, and network management etc., Elsevier 6 issues Free
THE VISUAL COMPUTER The journal focuses on human-centered aspects of digital technologies, exploring human behavior, interaction, and communication in various digital environments, including mobile applications, social media, online communities, human-computer interaction (HCI), digital inclusion, and accessibility. Springer Monthly Free
Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine Biochemists, biologists, geneticists, immunologists, neuroscientists, pharmacologists, toxicologists; clinicians, epidemiologists, psychiatrists, psychologists, cardiologists, chemists, (radio)physicists, computer scientists, programmers and systems analysts etc., Sciencedirect 11 issues Free
Quantum Information Processing Quantum cryptography and communications, entanglement and discord, quantum algorithms, quantum error correction and fault tolerance, quantum computer science, quantum imaging and sensing, and experimental platforms for quantum information. Springer 7 issues Free
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine AI’s theory and practice in medicine, medically-oriented human biology, and healthcare. Elsevier 7 issues Free
International Journal of Human–Computer Interaction The journal emphasizes the human element in relation to the systems and contexts in which humans perform, operate, network, and communicate, including mobile apps, social media, online communities, and digital accessibility. Taylor & Francis 20 issues Free
Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence The journal covers quantitative, combinatorial, logical, algebraic and algorithmic methods to Artificial Intelligence areas as diverse as decision support, automated deduction, reasoning, knowledge-based systems, machine learning, computer vision, robotics and planning etc., Springer 6 issues Free
International Journal of Industrial Engineering-Theory Applications and Practices The journal covers all aspects of industrial engineering, particularly: Data mining and Computational Intelligence, Production Planning and Control, Operation Research, Service Engineering, Sustainability (Energy, Environment, etc.), Information Systems and Technology etc., Univ Cincinnati industrial engineering 6 issues $300 to $800
Peer-to-Peer Networking and Applications P2P ad hoc and sensor networks,P2P application and services, P2P content access and distribution, P2P economics, P2P enabled technologies, P2P file sharing, P2P media streaming, P2P multicasting and multimedia delivery P2P overlay networks,P2P security issues etc., Springer 6 issues free
International Journal of Information Security (IJIS) The scope of the IJIS is theory, applications, and implementations of information security. This includes, but is not limited to system security, network security, content protection, applications, and foundations Springer 6 issues free
Computer Networks The topics covered by the journal but not limited to these are Communication Network Architectures, Communication Network Protocols, Network Services and Applications, Network Security and Privacy, Network Operation and Management, and Discrete Algorithms and Discrete Modeling Elsevier 18 issues free
Ad Hoc Networks Mobile and Wireless Ad Hoc Networks Sensor Networks Wireless Local and Personal Area Networks Home Networks Ad Hoc Networks of Autonomous Intelligent Systems Novel Architectures for Ad Hoc and Sensor Networks Self-organizing Network Architectures and Protocols Transport Layer Protocols Routing protocols (unicast, multicast, geocast, etc.) Elsevier Monthly free
Journal of Quality Technology JQT encourages authors to demonstrate the usefulness of their research by applying their methods to real data and encourages sharing of code to support reproducibility Taylor and Francis 5 issues per year free
Journal of Network and Computer Applications New Design Techniques, Interesting or Novel Applications,Components or Standards, Computer Networks With Tools Such As Www, Emerging Standards for Internet Protocols, Wireless Networks, Mobile Computing, Emerging Computing Models Such as Cloud Computing, Grid Computing, Emerging Network Protocols Such as Sensor Networks, Delay Tolerant Networks, Internet of Things, Applications Of Networked Systems for Remote Collaboration and Telemedicine, Applications Of an Educational, Transactional and Cooperational Nature, Applications of Security in Computer and Networks science direct Monthly free
International Journal of Bio-Inspired Computation New bio-inspired methodologies coming from, Creatures living in nature, Artificial society, Physical/chemical phenomena, New bio-inspired methodology analysis tools, e.g. Rough sets, stochastic processes, Brain-inspired methods: models and algorithms, Bio-inspired computation with big data: algorithms and structures, Applications associated with bio-inspired methodologies, e.g. Bioinformatics . InderScience 8 issues per year free
Journal of King Saud University-Computer and Information Sciences Big Data, Bioinformatics , Biometrics, Cloud Computing,Computer Graphics,Computer Vision,Crowd Computing,Data Mining,Data Warehouse,Embedded Systems,Fuzzy Systems,Grid Computing,High Performance Computing,Image Processing,Information Security,Internet of Things ,Machine Learning,Mobile Computing, Natural Language Processing,Net Centric Computing,Network Protocols,Network Security,Pattern Recognition,Pervasive Computing,Robotics,Social Networks,Software Engineering,Speech Processing,Wireless and Mobile Networks,Wireless Sensor Networks. science direct 10 issues per year $1450
Computer Communications Emerging technologies for next generation network,LAN/WAN/MAN,Future Internet architecture, protocols and services,Mobile and ubiquitous networks,Green networking,QoS and multimedia networking, Internet of things,Public safety communication networks,Network applicationsTrust, security and privacy in computer and communication networks,Complex network models. science direct Monthly free
Soft Computing Evolutionary algorithms, genetic programming, swarm intelligence, neural science, neural net systems, fuzzy set theory, fuzzy systems, Bayesian networks, chaos theory, chaotic systems. springer Monthly twice free
Computers, Materials and Continua computer networks, artificial intelligence, big data, software engineering, multimedia, cyber security, internet of things, materials genome, integrated materials science, and data analysis, modeling, designing and manufacturing of modern functional and multifunctional materials. Techscience Monthly $1,350
AEU-International Journal of Electronics and Communication circuit theory and applications, analog and digital integrated circuit design,electronic components and devices, RF circuits etc., Elsevier Monthly Free
Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis and Diffuse Lung Diseases Prevalence, Causes, Mechanisms, Diagnosis, Management, Treatment, and Prevention of Sarcoidosis, Vasculitis, and Interstitial Lung Disease MATTIOLI 1885 Quarterly Free
Diagnostic Microbiology and Infectious Disease Acteriology, Immunology, Immunoserology, Infectious Diseases, Mycology, Parasitology, and Virology ScienceDirect Monthly Free
Journal of Information Science and Engineering Artificial Intelligence, Big Data & Cloud Computing, Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, Computer Architecture & Hardware Design, Computer Networks & Wireless Communication, Computer Security & Cryptography, Computer Vision & Pattern Recognition, Computer Systems, Data Mining & Analysis, etc… Institute of Information Science and Engineering 6 issues per year Free
Journal of Computing and Information Science in Engineering Advanced Computing Infrastructure; Artificial Intelligence; Big Data and Analytics; Collaborative Design; Computer Aided Design; Computer Aided Engineering; Computer Aided Manufacturing; Computational Foundations for Engineering Optimization; Computational Synthesis; Conceptual Design; Cyber-manufacturing; Cyber-Physical Security for Factories; Cyber-Physical System Design and Operation; etc… ASME Bi-monthly Free
Neural Computing and Applications Adaptive computing, Algorithms, Applicable neural networks theory, Applied statistics, Architectures, Artificial intelligence, Benchmarks, Case histories of innovative applications, Fuzzy logic, Genetic algorithms, Hybrid intelligent systems, Machine learning, Neural networks, Neuro-fuzzy systems, etc… Springer 12 issues per year Free
Journal of Experimental & Theoretical Artificial Intelligence Cognitive Science, Games, Learning, Knowledge Representation, Memory And Neural System Modeling, Perception, Problem-Solving Taylor & Francis Online 6 issues per year Free
International Journal of Ad Hoc and Ubiquitous Computing Hardware and Architecture, Algorithm and Protocol Designs, Quality of Service, Security, Privacy and Trust InderScience 12 issues per year Free
International Journal of Sensor Networks Location Techniques, Connectivity,Data Storage, Performance Analysis, Sensor tasking, Security and Data Integrity InderScience 12 issues per year Free
Computer Vision and Image Understanding Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, Data structures and representations, Vision systems Elsevier 11 issues per year Free
Expert Systems with Applications Management Science and Operations Research, Management Information Systems, Management of Technology and Innovation, Artificial Intelligence, Computer Science Applications, Control and Systems Engineering Elsevier Quarterly Free
Journal of Intelligent & Fuzzy Systems Areas of Fuzzy Logic, Intelligent Systems, and Web-based Applications, Mathematics, Operations Research, Technology Management, Hard and Soft Sciences, and Technical, Social and Environmental Issues. IOS Press 5 issues per year €300 / US$300
IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems Design, Analysis, and Control of Information Technologies Applied to Transportation Systems. The ITS includes Humans, Vehicles, Shipments, Information Technology, and Physical Infrastructure, All Interacting in Complex Ways. IEEE 12 issues per year Free
The KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Systems Artificial Intelligence & Big Data, Internet Computing , Internet Services & Management (IM), Information Systems, IoT & Application (IA), Mobile Communication, Multimedia & ComputerVision, Networking, Security & Privacy, Wireless Communication The Korean Society for Internet Information 12 issues per year 700 USD
Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing Theoretical developments in biomedical science and technology, spectrum of biomedical and clinical engineering, cellular engineering, molecular imaging, and evolving technologies, advances in computer-based methodologies in these multidisciplinary subjects springer 12 issues per year Free
The Journal of Universal Computer Science Research areas of computer science, based on the ACM Computing Classification System categories including general literature, hardware, software, computer systems organization, theory of computation, information systems etc… Verlag der Technischen Universität Graz 12 issues per year Free
Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering Computer assisted surgery and simulation, Modelling, design and assessment of medical devices and implants, Application of imaging in biomechanics etc… Taylor & Francis 16 issues per year Free
International Journal of Communication Systems Transmission/Switching/Distribution technologies, Network and Internet protocols and standards Wiley 18 issues per year Free
Brain Imaging and Behavior Neuroimaging approaches to enhance knowledge regarding mechanisms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention of disorders of higher brain function including cognition, affect, and motivation. Springer 6 issues per year Free

IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems


Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing
Robotics and Control Systems
Signal Processing and Analysis



4 issues Free

IEEE Transactions on Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits and Systems

Components, Circuits, Devices and Systems
Computing and Processing




Monthly Free

IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering


Agriculture, Healthcare, Home Automation, Manufacturing, Security, Supply Chains.



Quarterly Free

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence


Medical image analysis, Video and image sequence analysis, Content-based retrieval of image and video.



Monthly Free

Journal of Computer and System Sciences


Computer networks, Neural networks, Computational learning theory, Security and Privacy, etc…



Monthly Free

Computing in Science & Engineering

 Advanced computing, simulation, and analytics, among other cutting-edge techniques, etc… IEEE Bi-monthly Free

Frontiers of Computer Science

Artificial intelligence, networks and communication, multimedia and graphics, information security, interdisciplinary, etc.  Springer Bi-monthly Free

Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering

Medical and biological engineering, biomedical signals, medical imaging, bio-informatics, tissue engineering, and so on.



Bi-monthly Free

International Journal of Information Technology and Decision making

Artificial Intelligence and Decision Making, Bio-informatics and Medical Decision Making, Human Computer Interaction, and so on.

World Scientific


Bi-monthly 2,500 USD

Wireless Personal Communications

Investigates theoretical, engineering, and experimental aspects of radio communications, voice, data, images, and multimedia, etc…



Monthly twice Free

The International Arab Journal of Information Technology

Image processing, Artificial Intelligence, Database Systems, Machine Learning,  Pattern Recognition, Cloud Computing, etc…

Zarqa University


Bimonthly up to 6 pages free after that per page 50USD

Pattern Recognition Letters

 Neural Networks, Machine Learning,  Image Coding and Processing,  Pattern Recognition, etc…



Bimonthly Free

Concurrency and Computation Practice and Experience

Parallel and Distributed Computing,  Cloud/Edge/Fog Computing, Green Computing, and Quantum Computing, etc…

Wiley Online Library


Monthly Free

Intelligent data analysis

Data Science, Computer Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics, Computer Sciences, Artificial Intelligence .

IOS Press


Bimonthly 350 USD

Cluster computing

 Internet Computing, Cloud and Grid Computing, Parallel and Distributed Algorithms,  Cloud Computing and/or Distributed Data Centers, etc…



4 issues per year Free

International Journal of Biomedical Engineering and Technology

 Application of expert systems and AI to clinical decision making, Computer modelling of physiologic systems,  Medical imaging systems, Sports medicine, etc…



12 issues per year Free

IETE Journal of Research

Communications, Computers and Computing, Control Engineering, Electromagnetics, Electronic Circuits,  Medical Electronics, Opto-Electronics, Power Electronics.

Taylor & Francis


Bimonthly Free

ACM Journal on Emerging Technologies in Computing System

Logic Primitive Design and Synthesis,
System-Level Specification, Design and Synthesis,
Software-Level Specification, Design and Synthesis,
Mixed-Technology Systems,
Interactions of Emerging Technologies and Applications.

Association for Computing Machinery


Tri-annual 1300 USD

Applied Ontology

Semantic Web,
Computer Sciences, Mathematics & Statistics,
Computer Sciences,
Artificial Intelligence.

IOS Press


Quarterly 170USD

Behaviour & Information Technology

Psychology, ergonomics, computer science, and sociology, etc…

Taylor & Francis


16 issues per year Free

Adaptive Behavior

Morphological computation, deep neural networks, soft robotics, and other advances in the methods and practical applications of bio-inspired robotics and self-optimization..



6 issues Free


Cloud computing, multimedia technology, communication networks and services, wireless communications and mobile computing, etc…

Wiley Online


4 Months Free

Computer Systems Science & Engineering

Theoretical and practical hardware and software problems, together with the substantial amount of work being carried out within industry on the engineering, implementation and development of such systems. 

Tech Science Monthly 1300 USD


Computer Architecture and Systems, Artificial Intelligence and Pattern Recognition, Computer Networks and Distributed Computing, Computer Graphics and Multimedia, Software Systems, Data Management and Data Mining, Theory and Algorithms, AND Emerging Areas


Technologies such as databases, knowledge bases, multimedia, group-ware, telecommunications, etc.



Theoretical computer science, ranging from foundational areas such as computational complexity, to fundamental areas such as algorithms and data structures, to focused areas such as parallel and distributed algorithms and architectures. 



Biological Sciences, Chemistry, Earth Sciences, and Physics, and in the Engineering disciplines of Chemical, Civil, Computer Science and Engineering, Electrical, Mechanical, Petroleum , and Systems Engineering. SPRINGER HEIDELBERG Quarterly Free


Areas of computer science, software engineering, and information systems.



Area of power and energy,  control systems, biometrics, object recognition,  information and communications, technology, sensors, and artificial intelligence, etc… TUBITAK SCIENTIFIC & TECHNICAL RESEARCH COUNCIL TURKEY Tri-Annual Free


Areas of AI,  machine learning, natural language, planning and scheduling, robotics and vision, and uncertainty in AI. AI ACCESS FOUNDATION Irregular Free


AI systems. TAYLOR & FRANCIS INC Bimonthly Free


New principled algorithms,  psychological, or biological nature, etc… JMLR, Inc. and Microtome Publishing (United States) Bimonthly Free


Internet–of–things and cyber-physical systems, Neural networks, fuzzy systems, neuro-fuzzy systems, Deep learning ,  etc…


Bimonthly 250 USD, 18,204.24 INR


AI in Bioinformatics, AI for Service Engineering, AI for Software Engineering, AI for Ubiquitous Computing, etc…





Robotics, field robotics, medical robotics, rescue robotics, space robotics, underwater robotics, agriculture robotics, industrial robotics, and robots in emerging fields. 


  Bi- monthly Free


Computer Science Applications, Control and Systems Engineering,  Industrial and Manufacturing Engineering


Bi- monthly      




Pattern Recognition, Machine Learning,  Deep Learning,  Document Analysis, Image Processing, Signal Processing, Computer Vision, Biometrics, Biomedical Image Analysis, Artificial Intelligence


Bi- monthly Free
 COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE Discovery science and knowledge mining , Web intelligence and semantic web, Agents and multiagent systems, Machine learning in knowledge-based systems, Key application areas of AI. WILEY Quarterly 3350(USD)
THE COMPUTER JOURNAL Latest developments in topics such as architectures, mobile and wireless computing, network protocols, security, reliability and performance optimization. OXFORD UNIV PRESS Bi-monthly   Free
COMPUTERS & SECURITY Computer security, audit, control and data integrity in all sectors – industry, commerce and academia. ELSEVIER ADVANCED TECHNOLOGY Bi-monthly 3010 (USD) 
DATA MINING AND KNOWLEDGE DISCOVERY Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery in Databases includes statistics, databases, pattern recognition and learning, data visualization, uncertainty modelling, data warehousing and OLAP, optimization, and high performance computing. SPRINGER Bi-monthly Free  
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON HUMAN-MACHINE SYSTEMS Human systems and human organizational interactions including cognitive ergonomics, system test and evaluation, and human information processing concerns in systems and organizations. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC Quarterly   Free
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS AND LEARNING SYSTEMS Theory, design, and applications of neural networks and related learning systems. IEEE-INST ELECTRICAL ELECTRONICS ENGINEERS INC Monthly 110$, 8,068.64 INR
IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SERVICES COMPUTING  Service Oriented Architecture, Web Services, Business Process Integration, Solution Performance Management, Services Operations and Management, etc… IEEE COMPUTER SOC Quarterly Free 
ACM COMPUTING SURVEYS  Comprehensive, readable tutorials and survey papers Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) Bimonthly  1700(USD) 
ADVANCES IN ELECTRICAL AND COMPUTER ENGINEERING Artificial Intelligence, Pattern Recognition, Computer Networks, Data Transmissions, and Electronics Stefan cel Mare Semiannual 300 EUR 
JOURNAL OF AMBIENT INTELLIGENCE AND HUMANIZED COMPUTING Mobile Computing and Wireless Communications,  Healthcare Systems, Virtual Humans & Virtual Worlds, Wearables sensors and actuators, etc… Springer Verlag Monthly



AUTOMATIKA Control Systems, Signal Processing, Computer Vision and Computational Intelligence, Robotics and Autonomous Systems, etc… Korema 82 days USD$825, 62,195 INR
JOURNAL OF MEDICAL IMAGING AND HEALTH INFORMATICS  Bio-signal Processing, Cellular and Molecular Engineering, Data mining techniques  Rehabilitation and Clinical Engineering, Health Informatics, etc… American Scientific Publishers Monthly  1,010 US$
MULTIMEDIA TOOLS AND APPLICATIONS Multimedia Tools , Multimedia Applications, Visual Information Systems, Multimedia application enabling software, System software support for multimedia, etc… Springer  Monthly Free  
JOURNAL OF MODERN POWER SYSTEMS AND CLEAN ENERGY Renewable power generation and clean energy technologies, Distributed energy resources and storage, Modern power system operation and planning, etc… IEEE Bi-monthly   Free  
JOURNAL OF POWER ELECTRONICS  Low Power Converter, High Power Converters, Motor Drives,
Grid and Power Quality, Energy Management Systems, Device, Modeling, and Control, Consumer Power Electronics, Emerging Power Electronics.
Korean Institute of Power Electronics Bi-monthly   1000 (USD)  


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