Saudi Arabia

Format Research Proposal – King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

King Abdullah University of Science and Technology


Please send a scanned copy of the completed Project Proposal to:

Principal Investigator (PI):






Organisation Address:

Additional Investigators 

1. Name:




Org Address:

2. Name:




Org Address:

Collaborators (External):

1. Name:




Org Address:

2. Name:




Org Address:

Project Description

Please describe the activities proposed, including current state of art, research work proposed, expected milestones, and deliverables, as well as a summary description, and include the scientific field of the investigation as part of the description.

Project Background

Please describe the background to this project, including (i) what is the existing work in this area; (ii) what is the novelty of the proposed project; (iii) why is the proposed work significant; (iv) what is the common methodology to tackle similar problems; (v) does the proposed project follow a similar/different methodology; (vi) what are the expected outcomes of this project

Scientific Impact

Please detail the expected scientific impact of the proposed research.

Codes & Libraries

Please provide the following information for each code or library that will be used.

  • Name of Code/Library:
  • Ownership / Licensing:
  • URL (for Open Source codes)
  • Function:

If needed, please include the same information for any other codes or libraries to be used in ‘Additional Information’ at the end of this proposal, or attached on a separate sheet.

Code Readiness

  • Please provide details of code performance and scalability achieved, and note any known issues that might impact production execution.
  • If possible, please provide a simple table/graph showing the required ‘wall time’ versus the number of cores used.
  • If needed, please include the same information for any other codes or libraries to be used in ‘Additional Information’ at the end of this proposal, or attached on a separate sheet.

Resource Requirements

  • Compute Resource Requirements
  • Resource Requirement Justification
  • Typical problem description
  • Storage Resource Requirements
  • Other Resource Requirements
  • Consultancy Support Required from KSL 

Confidentiality and Legal Issues

Please provide details of any potential confidentiality or legal issues,


  • Is the project proposal confidential?  If so, how? Does it contain human data?
  • Is the data confidential?  If so, how?
  • Are any other aspects of the project confidential?  If so, how?
  • If the project is successful, could it be the subject of publicity?

Other Information in Support of the Proposal

Please include any other considerations you feel would support of this proposal,


  • Would the proposed project have any social impact?
  • Would the proposed project have potential for generating good publicity for KAUST and/or partner organisations?
  • Would the proposed project develop any useful tools that might be shared with others inside or outside of KAUST?


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