Identifying JournalsPublication Guidance

Regular and Special Issue

Regular issue

Regular issues are those that appear every month or every three months, depending on the journal’s publishing schedule. For special occasions like conferences, seminars, or a particular subject, see Special Issue.

Special issue

A special issue (or special section) is a compilation of research papers that concentrates on a certain field of research that is under the journal’s purview. Special issues frequently focus on a topic that is particularly hot off the press, a new area of study, or a fresh take on an old problem. Special Issue is for unique occasions like conferences, seminars, or a particular subject.

A Special Issue or Special Section usually contains between four and twelve articles on a well-defined theme that is also its title. These articles are usually preceded by an introduction by the Guest Editor(s), which provides an overview of the rest of the Special Issue.

  • Plagiarism Check: Good quality plagiarism software/ tool (Turnitin / iThenticate) will be used to check similarity that would not be more than 20% including reference section. In the case of exclusion of references, it should be less than 5%.
  • Quality Check: All submitted paper should be cutting edge, result oriented, original paper and under the scope of the journal. Articles should have a minimum of following headings: Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Result and Discussion, Conclusion and References. For more details, please see Journal Template
  • Paper Submission Criteria: Any one author cannot submit more than 10 papers for the same volume/issue.
  • Review Criteria: This journal uses double-blind Peer Review Policy which means that both the reviewer (s) and author (s) identities are concealed throughout the review process. All submitted manuscripts reviewed by three reviewers. The review comments of the reviewer (s) to be subject of acceptance and rejection of the paper that to be finally decided by Editor-In-Chief of the journal. For it, a minimum of 02 to 03 weeks is required for the review process.
  • e-Copyright: Corresponding author of the paper will submit e-copyright to the respective journal publication.
  • Final Paper Submission: Camera Ready Paper (Final Paper) should be prepared as per the reviewer comments.  

         All author profiles along with a photo (minimum of 100 words) have been included in     the final paper. The final paper is prepared as per Template. Contents of the paper are fine and satisfactory. Author (s) can make rectification in the final paper but after the final submission to the journal, rectification/withdrawal is not possible.

What Makes Special Issues in Publishing So Special?

Special issues are a highly effective tool for increasing output of high-quality content and promoting a journal to a wider audience. To remain relevant and keep ahead of emerging topics, they can be used as a tool for expanding the scope of a journal. Articles published in special issues are often cited more frequently than articles published in regular issues, which can benefit the journal’s Impact Factor. The impact of a special issue can be further enhanced through author and Guest Editor promotion on social media and marketing efforts to allow free access for a limited amount of time to drive readership and citations.

Benefits of publishing in special issue 
  • Increased visibility. Because special issues are focused, timely and insightful collections, they often attract more attention than regular journal issues. Consequently, special issues may be read more frequently amongst peers in your scientific discipline, leading to active discussion and more citations of your work, thereby maximizing the visibility of your research. 
  • Faster publication. While workflows for special issues vary by journal and publisher, publishing as part of a special issue may accelerate the publication process.
  • Quality control. Special issues follow the same editorial and peer review policies put forward for regular issue journals, such as indexing, rigorous peer review, and editorial supervision. In addition, your manuscript may be handled by a Guest Editor who is likely an influential researcher in the discipline. Submitting or having your article solicited by a Guest Editor of a special issue is invaluable for networking opportunities and potential collaborations.

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