
A Thesis Format or Template for Ph.D. research work

Improving Citation

The Ph.D. thesis format or template is the general structure of the thesis. The thesis should be in a consistent format in order to provide guidelines for readers via document and make them concentrate on the content. In other words, it should address the problems in our subject and also comment on our position with respect to the topic. An unformatted Ph.D. thesis in a final product looks like an unfinished product. But, the formatted Ph.D. thesis will give a complete look and provides the writer with a continuous flow.

A Ph.D. thesis format should contain the following core elements:

Title page

            There will be a standard title page form that you must obey. The title should be descriptive, include keywords, and reveal the subject of the thesis, and also includes the title, author, supervisor, position, and date of the thesis.


            The abstract should report briefly on problems in existing works, the methodology of proposed research work with its description, advantages, and efficiency over existing techniques.

Table of contents

            List the primary topic headings and subheadings of our thesis along with their page numbers. List the portion of the front matter in lowercase roman numerals. Remember to specify acknowledgments, appendices, and bibliography.

List of figures

            It contains the figure numbers, titles, and page numbers used in the entire research work.

List of tables

            It holds the table numbers, titles, and page numbers used in the entire research work.

Chapter 1

            The introduction part of the entire research work should be described in Chapter 1 which must include the following points. At first, gives some points about the selected domain. After that, describes the Influence of that domain in our application. Then explain the process in our work indirectly. Then give its applications & issues overview. Finally give some points about Method 1 and its uses, Method 2 and its uses as well as Method 3 and its uses.

Chapter 2

            The literature survey for the proposed research work is stated in this chapter which should discuss the existing solutions for our problem. Those existing solutions should be in recent works (For instance. the Last 3 years) and it is better if the drawbacks are discussed for those existing works.

Chapter 3

            Chapter 3 defines the problem identification and scope of the research. The problem identification will connect our survey with our discovery as well as pinpoints the problems left unaddressed in our domain. The scope of research should discuss the way to handle the above-surveyed problems.

            Based on our solution, the chapter will be increased because we may provide more than one solution in our research for addressing the above-surveyed problems. If our work contains three proposed solutions (methods), we should include the following chapters 4, 5, and 6.

Chapter 4

            This chapter should describe the first method of our work with its operations, implementation, and architecture. Finally, the efficiency of the proposed method should be stated with the comparison of existing methods.

Chapter 5

           The second method of our work should be explained in this chapter with its functions, deployment, and architecture. Then the efficiency of this method over existing methods should be stated.

Chapter 6

            This chapter should narrate the third method of our work with its operations, implementation, and framework. After that, it is necessary to show the efficiency of the proposed method over existing methods.

Chapter 7

           It is most important to explain the results and conclusion in this chapter. Because it shows the comparison graph and efficiency between all three proposed methods.

Chapter 8

            The conclusion and future enhancement of the entire research work need to be stated in this chapter.


Finally, the citation of all the existing works which are referred to for making our research work.

Some formatting tools for Ph.D. thesis format:

It is possible to format a thesis without tools but it won’t be perfect. So we go for some formatting tools. More payable software is available for Ph.D. thesis format but some free software also provides more options for formatting. Thus, a few of them are listed below:

1. LaTeX

            LaTeX is a method of high-quality typesetting. It contains features designed to produce scientific and technical documentation and it is very useful because it comes as free software.

2. LyX

            LyX is a document processor that fosters a writing approach based on the documents’ structure and not just their presentation. Moreover, LyX combines the flexibility and power of TeX / LaTeX with graphical interface user-friendliness.

3. Scrivener

            Scrivener is the go-to app for all types of authors, used daily by best-selling novelists, scriptwriters, student scholars, non-fiction writers, attorneys, translators, journalists, and more.

For Synopsis Format/Template – Click here

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