Avoiding research article from rejection at first stage itself

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Your manuscript’s aims, key data, and conclusions should be clear. The abstract should begin by summarizing the research question addressed and be explicit about the work’s contribution. You should be more concern about the following things in your article: What is the research’s key point of focus? Is it exciting and relevant? How original is […]

Interdisciplinary Journals

Increasing the visibility of published article

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1) Register ORCID for your Research ORCID assigns you a unique digital identifier that separates you from other contributors and enables automatic connections between all of your professional endeavors.             ORCID provides two core functions:  A registry where you can get a one-of-a-kind id and keep track of your activities. APIs for authentication and system-to-system contact […]

How to make a covering letter for a Journal

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Covering Letter (No need to mention) — Date– Name,  Designation and College, Country. Dear Sir/Madam, I am pleased to submit an original research article entitled “Title” by “Co-author” and me for consideration for publication in “International Journal of XXX”.  This manuscript builds on our prior study to determine the “mention overview of the paper”. In this manuscript, […]