Universiti Malaysia Perlis

Research Proposal Format – Universiti Malaysia Perlis

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Applicants are requested to follow the following guidelines while developing the research proposal: Major Elements Introduction Literature Review (or Background) Procedure (or Methodology) Others Expected result Discussion Gantt chart Introduction The “Introduction” tells the reader What the project is about, Why the project is worth doing, and Why the project is a good topic for […]

Universiti UTARA Malaysia

Research Proposal Format – Universiti UTARA Malaysia

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Brief Research Proposal In preparing the research proposal for the purpose of the application, applicants are advised to observe the following format: Cover Page Title Your name Supervisor(s) name(s), Matric no. Components of the Proposal Introduction Background of study Problem statement of the study and literature analysis Research questions/objectives Significance of the study, supported by […]

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Research Proposal Format – Universiti of Putra Malaysia

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In preparing the research proposal for the purpose of the application, applicants are advised to observe the following format: Title Write a tentative title. It must be precise and concise (Maximum 15 words). Problem or Hypothesis State precisely and clearly what you intend to investigate (Maximum 100 words). Review of Related Literature Write a critical summary […]

Universiti of Malaya

Research Proposal Format – Universiti of Malaya

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Proposal Defence Candidates are required to submit a softcopy of the complete research proposal report between 3,000~7,000 words to the Deputy Dean’s Office (tdekan_ias@um.edu.my) no later than two (2) weeks from the date of presentation including the following: Abstract Introduction, problem statement and scope of research Research objectives Summary of literature review Description of the […]