1) Register ORCID for your Research
- ORCID assigns you a unique digital identifier that separates you from other contributors and enables automatic connections between all of your professional endeavors.
- ORCID provides two core functions:
- A registry where you can get a one-of-a-kind id and keep track of your activities.
- APIs for authentication and system-to-system contact
- Use it proactively to connect to your research outputs and increase discoverability. Make sure you use it whenever you share your work, for example when you submit a manuscript or publish a dataset. Put it on your personal profiles on the web and social media. This will connect you to your research across the web whatever search tool people are using.
Source: https://library.leeds.ac.uk/info/1406/researcher_support/163/increase_research_visibility
2) Make your research work available in open access repository
Open repositories are electronic services designed to preserve and provide open access to journal article reprints or preprints, audio, video and other media, and/or digital data. Unlike electronic journal or book publishers, they do not generally themselves provide editing or peer review services, though they may provide access to edited, peer-reviewed documents. Repositories may be maintained by an institution for the benefit of its own authors and researchers, or be open to deposits from any researcher in a given subject area. The list of repositories are as follows:
- The Directory of Open Access Repositories (OpenDOAR)
- German repositories in OpenDOAR
- Austrian repositories in OpenDOAR
- Swiss repositories in OpenDOAR
- Registry of Open Access Repositories (ROAR)
- OAIster
- Google Scholar (does not index OA documents only)
Source: https://www.library.ucsb.edu/scholarly-communication/open-access-repositories
3) Maintain your research profile in research forums
Researcher profile is an individual internet profile that provides a user friendly and efficient way of showcasing your work. The purpose of maintaining research profile are
- Can show your uniqueness in profile
- Showcases your work to the world
- Manages your publications list
- Helps to be identified by potential collaborators
- Helps to avoid misidentification
- Enables your research output to be highly credited
- Tracks citation counts
- Enhances your researcher profile page by including a link to other profiles
There are number of research profile tools available:
- ResearchGate
- ImpactStory
- figshare
- ResearcherID
- Scopus
- Google Scholar
- Academia.edu
- Mendeley Profiles
- Quora
Source: https://libguides.stir.ac.uk/researcherprofile
4) Discuss your research topic in research based social media
List of social media for research
- Mendeley Profiles
- ResearchGate
- Academia.edu
- Google Scholar
- Quora
Source: Source: https://www.pulsarplatform.com/what-is-social-media-research-top-tools-and-techniques/