
Research Proposal Format – Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

Amrita Vishwa

The Qualifying Examination is an oral examination administered by the Doctoral Committee plus an External Examiner. All doctoral students must take a Qualifying Examination. In preparation for the qualifying examination, a doctoral student must submit a written Research Proposal to the Doctoral Committee. After approval by the committee, the student may take the Qualifying Examination, wherein he or she presents the research proposal. It should include:

 (a) Research problem and its significance;

(b) Background and related literature;

(c) Objectives, approach, and the results obtained to date;

(d) Research work to be completed and timeline for completion;

(e) Expected contributions to the field;

(f) References cited

(g) List of publications

A student who passes the Qualifying Examination “advances to candidacy,” ready to embark on full time doctoral research. If a doctoral student fails the Qualifying Examination in the first attempt, he or she will be given a second and final chance to appear for the examination after a period of time as stipulated by the Doctoral Committee and approved by the Chair, PGP/ Co-Chairs


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