
Research Proposal Format – Universiti of Teknologi Malaysia

Universiti of Teknologi Malaysia

Applicants are recommended to use the following structure when writing their research proposals:


  • It is the prelude information of a proposal.
  • Its content reflects the research aim of a study.


  • It is a prelude that explains what is the concern of a study.
  • What do you plan to study?
  • Why it is important to study the subject?.

Issues or Research Problem

  • The fundamental matter that you like to solve.
  • You get the research problem for the synthesis of literature and/or from your expert Observation.
  • Easy to elicit data.

Research Gap

  • Once a problem is encountered, a researcher foresees the gap of study that he or she would like to bridge through empirical investigation.
  • A review of literature can ensure a researcher to define his or her study gap by analyzing what previous studies had examined and what has not been investigated.

Research Aim, Objectives, Questions, Hypotheses

  • A research aim is the purpose of a study.
  • Emphasize what is to be accomplished
  • An objective emphasizes how aims are to be accomplished. It must be highly focused and feasible
  • A research question instigates an objective to attain.
  • A research hypothesis is the statement created by researchers when they speculate upon the outcome of a research or experiment.

Assumptions and Delimitations

  • An assumption is a thing that is accepted as true.
  • A delimitation is a definition you set as a boundary of your study.

Theoretical Framework including Underpinnings

  • Finding a research problem.
  • Defining research gap and situating a research with current status quo of a subject.
  • Finding underpinnings and developing framework of study.
  • Searching for research method, research design or research approach, and parameters of study.

Background and Scope of Study

  • Explain how you came to be interested in this subject.
  • You can summarize what you know of the existing literature in this area, perhaps identifying where it does and does not provide enlightenment on what you are interested in.

Research Design and Methodology

  • It is the way in which you will structure your research and the specific methods you will use.
  • Define the parameters, unit of analysis, situatedness or context, method how to elicit and analyze data, triangulation of results from more than one method, and how to display the results.

Research Significance

The contribution of your study is both in practical and theoretical adds-on.



An outline of the timescale of the research, indicating how long different tasks are envisaged to take, and the sequence of the project in the time available.


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