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How to create High-Quality Datasets

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Creating a dataset is a crucial step in data science, machine learning, and research, providing the foundation for deriving actionable insights and building precise models. This guide outlines the comprehensive process of dataset creation, from initial data collection to preparation and validation, ensuring effective and informed decision-making. Steps to Create a Dataset: 1. Define the […]

ugc updates, anna university


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New Updates UGC PhD Admissions Update (2024-25) Starting from the 2024-25 academic session, PhD admissions will be determined based on National Eligibility Test (NET) scores. Revised Guidelines According to NEP-2020 Category 1: Candidates with the highest NET scores qualify for PhD admissions, Junior Research Fellowships (JRF), and assistant professor positions.  Category 2: Candidates with the […]

Future of Academic Research

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Rapid technological advancements, shifting funding landscapes, and an increased emphasis on multidisciplinary collaboration are driving changes in academic research at this critical juncture. Several key innovations are poised to dramatically revolutionize future research methods of conduct, dissemination, and application. Technological Advances and Data-Driven Research Technological advancements and data-driven research technology are drastically altering academic research […]


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A Guide to Perfecting Your Ph.D. Research Proposal Our Research Proposal Writing Services is a place where professional advice and academic goals collide. It is impossible to overestimate the importance of a well-written research proposal when you start your Ph.D. journey. It serves as the starting point for your academic endeavors, providing the groundwork for […]

Importance of postdoctoral Research

Importance of postdoctoral Research, Challenges faced by Postdocs

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What is a postdoc? A postdoc is a temporary funded research position at a university or in industry taken on within a few years of completing a PhD. Commonly, these positions are externally funded by Research councils, supporting individuals to work in specific institutions. Although postdoctoral researchers are considered members of staff, many will be assigned a supervisor […]

Career opportunities after PhD

Career opportunities after PhD: Tips for a successful job search

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A PhD is a magnificent achievement that offers a wealth of prospects. It is understandable to be curious about one’s job possibilities after years of arduous effort and dedication. Depending on your interests, abilities, and goals, there are a variety of career opportunities in India that you can pursue after earning your Ph.D. Let’s say […]

Research Hypothesis

How to Write a Research Hypothesis?

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What is Hypothesis? Hypothesis is an assumption or an idea proposed for the sake of argument so that it can be tested. It is a precise, testable statement of what the researchers predict will be the outcome of the study.  Hypothesis usually involves proposing a relationship between two variables: the independent variable (what the researchers […]

medical image

Websites to download free medical image datasets

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1.Kaggle Kaggle medical image datasets are collections of medical images that have been organized and annotated for use in machine learning and deep learning applications. The datasets typically contain a large number of images, often in the tens of thousands, and are organized into categories or classes. The images in the datasets can be of […]

open access

Open access publishing

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Open access publishing – researcher’s perspective Open access: outline  What is open access?   Why is open access gaining traction? Why is all open access not predatory?  Ethical versus predatory open access  Why do we need to pay for open access?   How to support open access publication financially?   Researchers and research institution and open access  Types […]

Benefits of Publishing a Research Paper

Abstract Writing

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An abstract is a concise description of the research article. It is typically one paragraph length (about 6-7 sentences, 150–250 words). An effective abstract accomplishes several things: In order to determine whether to read the complete work, an abstract enables readers to quickly understand the substance or essential of your paper or article. An abstract […]

Latex Formatting

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What is Latex?       LaTeX (pronounced lay-tech) is a method of creating documents using plain text, stylized using markup tags, similar to HTML/CSS or Markdown. LaTeX is most commonly used to create documents for academia, such as academic journals.          LaTeX (/ˈlɑːtɛx/ LAH-tekh or /ˈleɪtɛx/ LAY-tekh, often stylized as LaTeX) is a software system for document preparation. […]

Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

Research Proposal Format – Nanyang Technological University (NTU)

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Usually, a research proposal is submitted in a format that includes the following points. Each point here is illustrated with the chosen research topic in order to show you how a research proposal is built step-by-step: Introduction and background information Here the researcher provides an introduction to the area/topic of research and provides some background […]

National University of Singapore (NUS)

Research Proposal Format – National University of Singapore (NUS)

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Research Proposal Guidelines for Applicants All applicants for graduate studies (Masters or PhD) are required to submit a research proposal with their application. The following are general guidelines for the research proposal.  The Graduate Studies Committee, which reviews applications, recognizes that applicants’ research paths may shift significantly during the course of their degree. Applicants are […]

Universiti UTARA Malaysia

Research Proposal Format – Universiti UTARA Malaysia

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Brief Research Proposal In preparing the research proposal for the purpose of the application, applicants are advised to observe the following format: Cover Page Title Your name Supervisor(s) name(s), Matric no. Components of the Proposal Introduction Background of study Problem statement of the study and literature analysis Research questions/objectives Significance of the study, supported by […]

Amrita Vishwa

Research Proposal Format – Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham

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The Qualifying Examination is an oral examination administered by the Doctoral Committee plus an External Examiner. All doctoral students must take a Qualifying Examination. In preparation for the qualifying examination, a doctoral student must submit a written Research Proposal to the Doctoral Committee. After approval by the committee, the student may take the Qualifying Examination, […]

Universiti Putra Malaysia

Research Proposal Format – Universiti of Putra Malaysia

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In preparing the research proposal for the purpose of the application, applicants are advised to observe the following format: Title Write a tentative title. It must be precise and concise (Maximum 15 words). Problem or Hypothesis State precisely and clearly what you intend to investigate (Maximum 100 words). Review of Related Literature Write a critical summary […]